Othello by William Shakespeare (filmed at Pythagoras Masonic Temple, Decatur, Georgia, May 27, 2021) streamed online June 4-July 25, 2021. Directed and text edited by Brent Griffin. Stage-managed by Jessica Williams. Costumes by Catherine Thomas. Fight choreography by Tamil Periasamy. Music by Matthew Trautwein. Video by Ivan Machiz. Video editing by Filmright Video Productions. With Brent Griffin (Duke of Venice/Lodovico), Joseph Kelly (Brabantio), Tamil Periasamy (Othello), Trey Harrison (Cassio), Thom Gillott (Iago), Matthew Trautwein (Roderigo), Thomas J. Thomas (Montano), Erin Greenway (Desdemona), Judy Thomas (Emilia), and Julia Pettigrew (Bianca). Music performed by Matthew Trautwein (lute, violin).